public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags mozilla & web


Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » A New Memory Tool for the Web

When the web developer's life will begin to be at a memory level, we'll start seeing disappear crappy web apps. And crappy webdevs.

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Bespin

by 4 others
Bespin is the new prject of the Mozilla Labs. It is an online code editor. The first 0.1 release includes support for basic editing features, such as syntax highlighting, large file sizes, undo/redo, previewing files in the browser, importing/exporting projects, etc.


On prend les mêmes (trolls) et on recommence - <Glazblog/>

"Vous n'aurez pas besoin d'attendre trois ans pour voir les dernières nouveautés CSS intégrées (essayez donc de faire des CSS Transformations avec Dreamweaver ou Web Expression). Et l'éditeur est en MPL. Alors merde aux trolls, non ?" C'est tellement vrai !


Mozilla Labs Blog » Blog Archive » Prism

by 10 others
Mozilla Labs is launching a series of experiments to bridge the divide in the user experience between web applications and desktop apps and to explore new usability models as the line between traditional desktop and new web applications continues to blur.

The Open Web

Mozilla's position : "We want to move the Web forward quickly" XUL-Enhanced Web Apps

This article presents a little-known use of XUL (Mozilla's user-interface language) and shows how to take advantage of its superior performance and accessibility over HTML while maintaining cross-browser compatibility.